Bioremediation & Absorbent Products

Ultra Cello Sock 3" x 10' (2/PK)


Price: $47.00

In stock


Bioremediation is the use of biological agents, such as bacteria or fungi, to remove or neutral­ize contaminants in polluted soil or water. These micro-organisms secrete enzymes that ultimately transform contaminants into harm­less byproducts such as carbon dioxide (CO2), water (H20), and additional cellular material. Bioremediation offers many advantages com­pared to other treatment technologies such as incineration or off- site disposal. Bioremedia­tion is generally lower cost, can be applied on- site, and best of all, by completely eliminating contaminants rather than simply relocating them, bioremediation can eliminate the "Cradle to Grave" liability placed on hazardous waste generators. What this method means to your company:

1.  Economical

2.  Easy to use

3.  Absorbents can be incinerated for ease of disposal and to save on waste disposal costs

4.  Lower transportation costs

5.Will not harm plants & animals

6. No damage to machinery


While Ultrasorb is completely safe, please exer­cise caution and follow safety guidelines issued for absorbed material. Dispose of absorbed ma­terial in accordance with federal, state, and local regulations. Where regulations allow, Ul­trasorb may be incinerated. Disposal by recy­cling may be available


Premium Peat absorbents for Hydrocarbon Re­moval

Other Peat Moss Products:

Ultra PM 18" Square Pillow (20/CS) ULTR0014CS Ultra PM 18" Square Pillow (2/PK) ULTR0014PK UltraSorb PM 18" Sq Pads (30/CS) ULTR0012CS UltraSorb PM 18" Sq Pads (3/PK) ULTR0012PK UltraSorb PM Sock 2"x 5' (40/CS) ULTR0205CS UltraSorb PM Sock 2"x 5' (4/PK) ULTR0205PK UltraSorb PM Sock 2"x 10' (20/CS) ULTR0210CS UltraSorb PM Sock 2"x 10' (2/PK) ULTR0210PK UltraSorb PM Sock 4" x 4' (20/CS) ULTR0404CS UltraSorb PM Sock 4" x 4' (2/PK) ULTR0404EA UltraSorb PM Sock 4" x 8' (10/CS) ULTR0408CS UltraSorb PM Sock 4" x 8' (1/PK) ULTR0408PK

Loose fill product available


Premium Absorbent Poly Products manufactured right here on the Texas Gulf Coast


Tex-Zorb Poly Boom 5" x 10' (4/CS) ULTRABOOMPOLY510

Tex-Zorb Poly Boom 5" x 20' (2/CS) ULTRABOOMPOLY520

Tex-Zorb GP Absorbent Pads 17X19 (200/CS) ULTRWYP570GP200

Tex-Zorb GP Absorbent Pads 17X19 (100/CS) ULTRWYP57GPPK

Tex-Zorb GP Absorbent Roll 36X144' ULTRWYP57GPRL

Tex-Zorb Oil Only Pads 17X19 (200/CS) ULTRWYP570ILP200

Tex-Zorb Oil Only Pads 17X19 (100/CS) ULTRWYP570ILPPK

Tex-Zorb Oil Only Roll 36X144' ULTRWYP570ILRL


A Premium Cellulose Absorbent for Ab­sorbing Spills on Water

Ultra Cello Sorb is harmless to aquatic life, plants, and animals. Made from recycled materials, it will absorb hydrocarbon based products from water and continue floating for easy removal.

*Absorbs up to 20 times its weight in oil or oil-based products

*Stops leaching of spills into the ground and groundwater

*Lightweight, Non-toxic, Biodegradable *20 pounds of Ultra Cello Sorb absorbs 13 to 25 gallons of oil depending on quality and type


Ultra Cello Floating Sorb 18# Bag ULTRCELL18

Ultra Cello Floating Sorb 6# Bag ULTRCELL06

Ultra Cello Sock 4" x 10' (6/CS) ULTR0410CS

Ultra Cello Sock 4" x 10' (2/PK) ULTR0410PK

Oil Only Cello Boom 5"x10' (4/CS) UL­TRABOOMCELL


All Natural Super Absorbent

A recycled waste product of the cotton in­dustry that is lightweight and non-toxic. Contains natural micro-organisms and nu­trients that assist in the bioremediation of hydrocarbons

*Absorbs up to 6 times its weight in oil *Use on land and water

*Stops leaching of spills into the ground and groundwater

*Meets OSHA requirements and not WHMIS regulated



*Can be incinerated


*Extracts hydrocarbons from water

*Great for emergency response


UltraSorb BR 15# Loose Fill Bag ULTR0102

UltraSorb BR 30# Loose Fill Bag ULTR0002


Live Microbial Bacteria that feed on the hy­drocarbons.

Concentrated cleaners which contain colo­nies of bacteria specifically engineered for digestion of oil, organic waste, and other contaminates. Available in liquid and tablet form.


*Super SE rtu Tablet (60/CS) CH066TAB *Super SE rtu 55 gal CH066-55

*Super SE rtu 5 gal CH066-05

*Super HCE rtu Tablet (60/CS) CH059TAB *Super HCE rtu 5 gal CH05905

*Super SE rtu 55 gal CH05955